Privacy Policy

Fine Metrology declares to have adopted adequate technical measures to guarantee the protection of the data processed. In case of more details, you can contact the data controller. The European regulation 679/2016 requires the data subject, that is the natural person, to be informed clearly and in understandable language on how he intends to proceed with the processing of his data. In the regulation, there are two ways to inform the data subject of all the intentions of the data controller and refer to articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR 679/2016. The two articles are very similar. Article 13 is used when the data subject, i.e. the natural person, delivers their data directly into the hands of the data controller, while Article 14 is used when there is an intermediate figure between the data subject and the data controller who collects the data. Whenever the interested party releases his data for any purpose, he must receive the relevant information from the data controller. Considering that the information on the processing is long, we preferred, where possible, to refer to our website. Publishing your privacy policy on the company website has another benefit, in fact any update can be performed in real time and immediately available for the interested party.


Organizational model Privacy: The processing of Personal Data contained in the databases and paper archives of our Company must take place in compliance with the provisions of the law, which aim to guarantee the confidentiality of personal information, as well as the fundamental rights and freedoms of the interested parties. Therefore, each of us, in relation to their duties, must contribute to the pursuit of this objective by operating – as far as reasonably possible – in line with what is indicated by the guidelines on privacy and security.


Procedure for the exercise of the rights of the interested party: The objective of facilitating the exercise of the rights of the interested party is a prerogative for the performance of the activities as it affects the proper conduct of its activities and its image in compliance with current legislation. This procedure therefore outlines the responsibilities and methods of exercising the rights of the data subject to ensure proper management.


Procedure on the exercise of the right to the portability of personal data: The right to data portability (Ref. Article 20 of EU Regulation 2016/679) constitutes an integration of the right of access as a tool with which the interested party manages and reuses personal data in total autonomy. It facilitates the circulation, copying or transfer of personal data from one IT environment to another without hindrance, promoting innovation and sharing of personal data between Fine Metrology and other data controllers in full security and under the control of the interested.